Imagine that you have been working hard for many years, and you have enjoyed a relatively healthy life during this time as well. You eat right, you exercise, and you enjoy all of the things that this entails. But one day you start feeling ill and you go to the doctor. Your doctor informs you that you have a serious medical condition that will require some extensive medical work, treatment and care. Before anything starts, you can already imagine the bills racking up in your home.
Don't let medical debt get you down
Do credit card debt collectors have to prove you owe them?
Let's say that over many months, you rack up quite a bit in credit card debt. After changing some of your spending habits and addressing the issue by paying off the debt, you finally make your last payment to clear your balance. A month or so passes, and you're feeling good about the whole ordeal.
Student debt has gone gray, according to new study
When you think about someone suffering from student loan debt, what do you picture? If we had to guess, you're probably thinking of a young adult, probably in his or her early-to-mid-20s. This person recently got his or her first "real" job, and they are working hard not just to move up the company ladder, but also to pay off the loans they have racked up during their college years.