If you have been threatened with foreclosure, The Tran Law Firm in Columbia can help. We have more than 15 years of experience stopping foreclosure through bankruptcy. As soon as you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, an automatic stay will take effect that requires all creditors to cease any action against you, including foreclosure. With the help of a trusted attorney, you can stop foreclosure and stay in your home.
Finding A Permanent Solution
We are committed to helping you find a permanent solution to problems with your home mortgage. Furthermore, we want to make certain that the solution we provide is the right one for you and your family. For that reason, we will start by taking the time to get to know you and to explore all possible options.
Maybe Chapter 13 bankruptcy makes the most sense for you. With this form of bankruptcy, you may be able to include your past-due mortgage payments in a repayment plan that is also designed to attack any other debt you have accumulated. As long as you also keep current with your home mortgage payments, you can avoid foreclosure and keep your home.
In some cases, it may not make sense for you to keep your home, but foreclosure is not the best way to get rid of it. You may be able to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and liquidate your assets, including your home, to pay off your debt. This process will give you the time to find a new home that works with your current income level.
Perhaps you do not even need to file bankruptcy to resolve the problem. When you choose our law firm, you will work with a lawyer who can help you explore all alternatives, including loan modification.
Free Consultation
Call 202-289-3530 or email for more information about stopping foreclosure in South Carolina.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.